Email Design and Development

Keeping their branding consistent, Lizzie B Cre8ive sends out periodic emails informing not only the retail shops of upcoming events, but their loyal following as well. Lizzie B Cre8ive is a company who designs quilt patterns, fabric and recently, a book.
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The myNDMA newsletter went out to subscribers of the myNDMA service. The features of the newsletter changed monthly and covered health related topics in a friendly upbeat way.
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This email was designed by a friend of mine who needed html help. I provided the image optimization and html.
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This email was redesigned from the old version so that it could showcase the updated technology and professionalism of the team. It is meant to keep internal employees aware of what's happening. It includes items that are noteworthy as well as items to be aware of in the future.
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Phoenix Management has offices all over the US. They release several emails a year including surveys and press releases. This is just one of their pres releases.
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Phoenix Management has wine tasting dinners and cocktail parties. When they do, they need an invitation that can go out as a printed postcard and also as an html email.
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